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Certificate of Gifted, Creative, and Talented Studies

The Gifted, Creative, and Talented Studies Certificate Program prepares educators from any state or nation with the professional preparation to support and serve high ability students in K through grade 12. The certificate does not constitute a teaching license, but posts to the student’s transcript as a program of study. Educators from Indiana should view the Indiana Educators section of our program website.

 All courses are delivered online and are offered in different semesters to address the needs of teachers with different timelines for program completion. The one-year cohort begins in the summer semester, and the two-year cohort begins in the fall semester.

For a schedule of fees for Non-Indiana Residents, click here.

 program application

The Coordinator for the High Ability Certification and Licensure Program at Purdue University is Dr. Kristina Ayers Paul. If you have questions about the content of the GCT Certificate program or the High Ability Licensure Program, please contact the Assistant Program Coordinator, Jeff Spanke, by email at jspanke@purdue or by phone at (765) 496-1648.