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Presentation & Handouts

(PDF) Gifted Students with Spatial Strengths and Sequential Weaknesses:  An Overlooked and Underidentified Population (Mann, R., 2005, Roeper Review Vol 27, 9)


(PDF) Are You Living with a Perfectionist? (Mann, R., Super Saturday Spring 2011)


(PDF) Eye to Eye: connecting with gifted visual-spatial learners (teaching strategies) (R. Mann, NAGC 2010)


(PDF) Children with Spatial Strengths: Overlooked Engineers, Mathematicians, and Scientists (R. Mann, NAGC 2010)


(PDF) The Lazy Parent's Guide to Getting Your Child to Think  (R. Mann, 2010)


(PDF) Compacting the Curriculum for High Ability Learners (R. Mann, 2010)


(PDF) Children with Spatial Strengths:  Overlooked Potential Engineers, Mathematicians, and Scientists (NAGC 2009, R. Mann)


(PDF) Creativity + Great Problems = Higher Mathematical Achievement (NAGC 2009, E. Mann)


(PDF) Engineering Pedagogical Consideration for Gifted Spatial Learners and Non-spatial Learners (NAGC 2009, S. Yoon and E. Mann)


(PDF) Perceived Needs of Pre-Service Teachers Regarding Gifted Learners:  Evidence and Suggestions for Teacher Preparation Programs (J. Gates and N. Pereira)


(PDF) Out-of-School Enrichment for High Potential Students:  A Blueprint for Successful Programming (NAGC 2009, R. Miller and J. Gates)


(PDF) Students from Low-Income Families Achieving in an Out-of-School Enrichment Program (NAGC 2009, R. Miller, M. Gentry, S. Peters, J. Gates, and R. Mann


(PDF) The Relationship between Intelligence and Psychological Well-Being in College Students (NAGC 2009, C. Wigtil)


(PDF) The Simplicity of Complexity:  Rube Goldbergineering in the Classroom (NAGC 2009, N. Pereira & S. Jordan)


(PDF) Twice-Exceptional Learners with Spatial Strengths: Strategies for Strength-based Instruction (NAGC 2009, R. Mann)



 World Council for Gifted and Talented Children - 2009 Conference

(PDF) Evaluation of Differential Item and Test Functioning of the HOPE Teacher Rating Scale (Peters, S., Gentry, M.)


(PDF) Gifted and General High School Students' Perceptions of Classroom Quality in Korea and the United States (Chae, Y.)


(PDF) Instrumentation for Research, Programming and Evaluation (Pereira, N.)


(PDF) Identification of young, gifted children: An analysis of instruments and recommendations for practice.  (Yang, Y.)


(PDF) Identifying Gifted, Talented, or High Ability Students from Low-Income Families (Peters, S., Gentry, M.)


(PDF) Nurturing Giftedness Among Highly Gifted Youth (Miller R.)


(PDF) Recognizing and Nuturing Giftedness Among Underserved Populations

(Mann, R., Gentry, M., Gates, J., Yang, Y., Miller R., Pereira, N.) 


(PDF) The My Class Activities Instrument as Used in Saturday Enrichment Program Evaluation (Pereira, N., Peters, S., Gentry, M.)



 Middle School Math Conference, Indianapolis, IN - 2009

(PDF) Middle School Math - Differentiation Strategies that Work (Mann, R.)

(PDF) Recognizing and Nurturing High-ability Adolescents (Mann, R.)


(PDF) Initial Validity Evidence for the HOPE Scale: New Instrumentation to Identify Low-Income Elementary Students for Gifted Programs (AERA 2009.  Peters, S., Gentry, M., Gates, J., Peterson, J., Mall, R.)

(PDF) Can Giftedness be Misdiagnosed as Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder? (AERA 2009.  Gates, J., Gentry, M.)

(PDF) Perceived Classroom Management Needs of Pre-Service Teachers (AERA 2009. Gates, J., Pereira, N., Gentry, M., Mann, R.)


(PDF) IAG 2009:  Differentiation - Elementary.  Rebecca Mann

(PDF) IAG 2009:  Differentiation - Secondary.  Rebecca Mann

(PDF) Application of Chi Square - Jillian Gates

(PDF) Gates, Jillian (2008, November). Further research to support the idea of misdiagnosis of giftedness as ADHD.  Presented at the National Association for Gifted Children Conference. Tampa, FL.

(PDF) Gentry, M., Peters, S. J., & Gates, J. C. (2008, November).  Initial validity evidence for the HOPE Scale: An instrument designed to find talent among underserved populations. Presented at the National Association for Gifted Children Annual Conference. Tampa, FL.

(PDF) McCoach, D. B., Peters, S. J., & McBee, M. (2008, October). Multilevel / hierarchical linear modeling: A panel discussion for graduate students and researchers. National Association for Gifted Children Conference. Tampa, FL.


(PDF) Mann, Rebecca L. (2008, November). The Future of STEM:  Strategies for Spatial Learners.  National Asssociation for Gifted Children Conference. Tampa, FL.


(PDF) Pereira, Nielsen (2008, November).  Meeting the linguistic needs of gifted English language learners: should teachers of all content areas teach language?  Presented at the National Association for Gifted Children Conference.  Tampa, FL.


(PDF) Peters, S. J., & Mann, R. L. (2008, November).  Dual enrollment and International Baccalaureate: Expanding effective programming options for secondary gifted students. Presented at the National Association for Gifted Children Conference. Tampa, FL.
