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Certificate of Gifted, Creative, and Talented Studies

The Gifted, Creative, and Talented Studies Certificate Program (GCT) provides professional preparation to support and serve gifted, creative, and talented children and youth. The certificate does not constitute a teaching license, but posts to the student’s transcript as a program of study. Certified Indiana educators who wish to earn the GCT Certificate are eligible for High Ability Licensure upon completion of the program.

Optional High Ability Endorsement for Licensed Indiana Teachers

The High Ability Licensure is an accreditation that provides educators who are certified to teach in Indiana with the professional preparation to support and serve high ability students in K through grade 12. Certified Indiana educators who wish to earn the GCT Certificate are eligible for High Ability Licensure upon completion of the program.

 REQUIREMENTS application


For questions, please contact the Program Coordinator, Sareh Karami, at skarami@purdue.edu or by phone at 765-494-7241.

Program Director: Dr. Kristen Seward, ksseward@purdue.edu or by phone at 765-494-7243.
